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This repository contains a couple of scripts to make living with the WUR git repo a bit easier. Feel free to add code, by forking, coding and creating a merge request.
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ISRIC / SoilGrids / SoilGrids
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdatedUpdated -
Contains Instructions how to set up iRODS for sysadmins and training material for different user goups.
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Mertzanis, Nikos / LPJmL
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Welcome to the central open-source repository of LPJmL at WUR.
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Blok, Pieter / SizeCNN
Apache License 2.0CNN methods that estimate the diameter of the crop, even when it's occluded.
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Himbeeck, Robbert van / nemmap
MIT Licensenemmap is a single-command pipeline to process bacterial (full 16S) or fungal (full ITS) reads obtained by Nanopore sequencing. This pipeline is developed and intended for internal use by the Laboratory of Nematology (WUR).
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bioinformatics / hecaton
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Code repository for Hecaton, a tool for CNV detection in plants
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Wijfjes, Raul / hecaton
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Reliable CNV detection in plant genomes
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NEmatology RNA Variant Analysis and Calling pipeline = NERVAC
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Generate documentation pages using Markdown and MkDocs from a metadata excelsheet.
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Smith, Naomi / CTDAS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated