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antiSMASH 5.0.0

The antiSMASH team is happy to announce the stable release of antiSMASH 5.0.0.
antiSMASH 5.0.0 is a large-scale rewrite to migrate to Python 3, and detailed
changes are too numerous to list here. For a high-level overview, see the
[antiSMASH 5 features list](
or see the [antiSMASH 5 paper](

Detailed changes since 5.0.0rc1:

Kai Blin (18):
      args: Print the correct version in the help output.
      subprocessing: get rid of trailing newline in diamond version string
      subprocessing: Add command to get the blastp release version
      main: Print versions of the found CLI tools
      subprocessing: Add function to get version of makeblastdb
      subprocessing: Allow getting the muscle binary version
      subprocessing: Allow getting the prodigal binary version
      subprocessing: Allow getting the java binary version
      subprocessing: Allow getting the meme/fimo binary versions
      subprocessing: Allow getting the hmmpfam2 binary version
      subprocessing: Only run hmmpfam2 in multithreading mode when the build supports it
      subprocessing: Allow getting the hmmpress binary version
      subprocessing: Allow getting the hmmsearch binary version
      subprocessing: Allow getting the hmmscan binary version
      subprocessing: check if hmmscan supports multithreading via the help output
      hmmdetection: Add cluster rule for thioamide-containing NRPs
      hmmdetection: Add support for tropodithietic acid like clusters
      chore: Bump version to 5.0.0

Simon Shaw (58):
      clusterblast: add check for outdated diamond databases
      clusterblast: use a mock database for testing general CB
      clusterblast: add a constant for data location instead of always regenerating
      clusterblast: use a mock database for testing known CB
      clusterblast: remove newly redundant case in test code
      clusterblast: remove TODO by improving docstring
      clusterblast: remove code made obselete by new databases
      subprocessing: fix java version testing
      secmet: forbid conversion of records with features outside sequence
      secmet: use a more meaningful bad location message
      common.gff_parser: remove unnecessary arguments
      common.record_processing: remove cds uniqueness check, covered by secmet
      secmet: add extra test for reverse compound locations
      secmet: treat locations that are completely unordered as errors
      secmet: reraise errors from location splitting as secmet input errors
      secmet: forbid overlapping exons (but allow frameshifts)
      common.record_processing: consider GFF reading as part of input parsing
      common.record_processing: re-parallelise GFF parsing
      secmet: allow reversing of reverse strand exons
      secmet: add a function for all feature location validation
      secmet: reraise feature conversion errors as secmet input errors
      clusterblast: remove unused arguments
      clusterblast: style pass
      common.hmm_rule_parser: remove unused variables
      html: style pass
      genefunctions: style pass
      secmet: avoid a pylint complaint on comparing len to zero
      common.subprocessing: allow execute to function without args being parsed first
      config: fix cyclic import for version information
      secmet: style pass
      cassis: check version of fimo/meme
      antismash/test: clean up config building
      nrps_pks: fix some pylint issues
      chore: silence some overeager pylint issues
      hmm_detection: style pass
      common.subprocessing: split subprocessing into separate files
      config: store executable names deterministically
      secmet: remove small exons restriction
      common.record_processing: convert some biopython warnings to exceptions
      common.record_processing: extract the strict parsing into a separate function
      common.record_processing: prevent biopython ignoring unparsable locations
      secmet: simplify overlapping exons check to shared stop codons
      main: update removal of region genbank files
      secmet: deduplicate code
      config.executables: don't store names if no path could be found
      config.executables: add an alternate name for fasttree
      cassis: remove print statements
      secmet: change subregion 'anchor' to more generic 'label'
      clusterblast: handle single core runs and file splitting
      subprocessing: make threading support check for hmmpfam2 more robust
      subprocessing: remove caching for hmmpfam2 help
      secmet: fix protocluster cores not annotating tool
      secmet: change to 1-indexing in region genbanks to match record
      common.test.helpers: rework to use more thorough record stripping/regen
      secmet: add regeneration for NRPS/PKS qualifier
      secmet: add NRPS/PKS qualifier to biopython conversions
      nrps_pks_domains: use the correct KS subtypes for CDS classification
      nrps_pks_domains: fix glycopeptide NRPS prediction